Mozaic, a chapter of The Arc New York, is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We are the largest provider of services for persons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Comprised of 600 dedicated staff members, we assist and support over 2,000 persons and their families throughout Cayuga, Yates, Tompkins, Ontario, and Seneca Counties.
We are a state chapter of NYSARC, Inc. and a member of the national organization, The Arc. We participate in the Collaborative of the Finger Lakes, a cooperative of 12 agencies that serve individuals with developmental disabilities in our area. We also are a United Way agency partner.
Mozaic is one of 35 local Chapters of The Arc New York, the largest provider of supports and services for people intellectual and developmental disabilities in New York state. In addition to the programs [Chapter] offers in [Chapter counties], Chapters of The Arc New York collectively support more than 60,000 people with disabilities and their families in every county of the state and employ more than 30,000 people in our shared mission to provide people with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities the ordinary and extraordinary opportunities of life.
As part of this larger statewide organization, [Chapter] is able to draw on a rich network of expertise and statewide resources to ensure the highest quality services for the people we serve, and to raise the unified voices our Chapter communities and nearly 100,000 members statewide to strengthen our advocacy efforts.
Founded by families more than 75 years ago, The Arc New York has driven transformation and progress in the lives of people with disabilities, fought and ended the abuses of institutionalization, and developed a robust system of community support that provides opportunity, dignity, and integration for people with disabilities. Together with [Chapter] and other Chapters across the state, The Arc New York continues to be an influential advocate for our system of care, and the rights and opportunities of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Click Here to visit The Arc New York’s website.
Click Here to view The Arc New York’s fact sheet.